Worldwide Knit in Public Day - Saturday 12th June
We've all received those wonderfully knit garments from our Mothers, Aunties and Grandmothers! I can still vividly see my Emerald Green Aran dress knit by my Mother......sure I thought I was the bees knees wearing it! Things have changed so much since then........that was more than 50 years ago! Knitting is no longer considered a hobby for the elderly but has been taken up by all ages as a way to create something beautiful, to promote social change and to spend time meditating as they loose themselves in the click of the needles! Knitting and Crochet has been a life-line for so many during the pandemic!
The purpose of Worldwide Knit in Public is to show that knitting is for all ages and that it's a fun and enjoyable activity, and something that you can be proud of.
The world has knitter Danielle Landes to thank for World Wide Knit in Public day - and to say that the world's knitters have turned out in their droves to support her quest to show that knitting is not just for grannies is an understatement. Events are run across the globe under the slogan 'Better Living Through Stitching Together' with groups often choosing a theme for their particular event. Popular themes include knitting for hospitals, community art projects and premature babies - all of which are worthy causes to benefit from those with a love of yarn.
So, although things are a little different this year again due to COVID, you can still celebrate WWKIP day. What could be better than knitting, crocheting and enjoying a few glasses of bubbly out in the sunshine......though not too many!! Super weather forecast for Saturday too! Send us your pics!
Hopefully, we will all be able to gather next year to celebrate this ancient practice!
Have a lovely World Wide Knit in Public Day!